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Connect with midwives in your local area

"Our local ACM branch is full of passion and connection. We support each other, lift each other up and learn from each other." Kai Hodgkin, ACM ACT Branch

Your local branch is your direct link to ACM and your direct link to a network of supportive peers. There is at least one ACM branch in each State and Territory of Australia and many more are forming all the time- get in touch with us if you'd like to start one in your local area! Branches run a series of fun social events throughout the year as well as workshops and seminars with keynote speakers of interest to the local group. Branches also talk to media, representing ACM's values and promoting the benefits of midwifery care to the community. 

Branches support ACM's Strategic Plan by engaging with midwives at a local level. Each branch has a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Supporting Members. Some branches also have sub-committees which co-ordinate specific areas for the branch. All committee members are volunteers.

Select your local branch below.

ACT Branch

Gippsland Branch

WA Branch

NT Branch

VIC Branch

QLD Branch

TAS Branch

SA Branch

NSW Branch

Townsville Branch

Western Sydney Branch