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Guiding Documents


Submissions and Discussion Papers

As advocates for midwives, ACM provides guidance and feedback into government and non-government consultations. We ask for member comment on these submissions to ensure we are representing your views.







Midwifery Guidelines


We have developed a number of Standards and Guidelines to assist our members in their career. These also include the ICM Code of Ethics for Midwives would be adopted for ethical decision-making for midwives in Australia.

Midwives should be aware of, and abide by the regulatory and professional standards and codes as set by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia and the International Confederation of Midwives. In addition the ACM has developed a number of Standards and Guidelines to aid midwives' practice.

Australian College of Midwives Guidelines

Guidelines Endorsed by ACM

ACM Position Statements

Position Statements



The Midwives' Role in Humanitarian Crises


Respectful Maternity Care

Gendered Language

The Midwife Scope of Practice

Use of Pacifiers for the Healthy, Term, Breastfed Baby

Water Immersion in Labour and Birth

ACM's position on the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Rural Maternity Services

Midwifery Leadership Position Summary Aug 2023 


ACM and RANZCOG Joint Statement on DBSH

Women’s Reproductive Rights

Midwives as Maternal Child and Family Health Practitioners


Infant Feeding Position Statement 2021


Position Statement Clinical Supervision for Nurses & Midwives - 2019

Domestic Violence Position Background Paper - 2019

Domestic Violence Position Statement - 2019

Planned Birth at Home Background Paper - 2019

Planned Birth at Home Position Statement - 2019


Cultural Safety Nurses and Midwives Leading the Way for Safer Healthcare Joint Position Statement - 2018


Joint Birthing on Country Position-Statement - 2017


Co-sleeping and Bed sharing Position Statement - 2014

Use of Human Donor Milk Position Statement - 2014


Vitamin K administration to newborns joint statement - 2010

Position Statements are designed to educate and support best practice and should never be relied on as a substitute for full assessment with respect to an individual woman or her baby. It is the responsibility of each care provider to be fully aware of the individual circumstances of each case with regard to the application of this statement.

Whilst we endeavour to ensure that all position statements are accurate and current at the time of their preparation, each provider must consider relevant information, research or literature which may have been published subsequently.

ACM Policies


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