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Placement Poverty

20 February 2024

The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) calls on the federal government to provide funding for paid clinical placements for midwifery students as outlined in its pre budget submission. Amid the worst cost of living crisis in recent memory, it’s vital to relieve financial pressure on this important cohort of health professionals, supporting them to complete their study and join the workforce.

 Midwifery students are an incredibly dedicated and determined group. ACM Chief Midwife Alison Weatherstone said this predominantly female group doesn’t fit the usual university student mould. 

“The average age of our midwifery student members is 29. These students aren’t school leavers who live at home with parents. A large portion are mature women supporting families of their own with the pressures of two parents working and only bringing in a single income.”

Over the course of their degree, midwifery students are required to complete 800 hours of standard clinical placement and an additional minimum of 10 continuity of care placements (ca. 100 hours) which include unsociable hours and being available overnight for births.  There is increasing support for these hours to be remunerated. The Australian Universities Accord Interim Report recommends providing participating students with incentives and financial support including “revising student contribution amounts and HELP repayment arrangements and providing remuneration for mandatory work placements”.

The Council of Deans Nursing and Midwifery called for “the provision of financial assistance to alleviate the cost-of-living challenges experienced by students when undertaking mandatory clinical placements” in their pre-budget submission. 

ACM has spoken to midwifery students about their experiences. This is one of many examples:

“I’m a mature-age student with previous degrees in journalism and marketing and two children aged 11 and 3. My husband has a chronic pain condition limiting how much he can participate in paid work, meaning I have been the primary earner for our family throughout study. I currently work 0.8 in a marketing role meaning with placement I work 6-7 days per week and do content and assessments between 9pm-12am every night. We couldn't keep up with expenses so have had to move in with my mother-in-law in order to keep a roof over our heads while pursuing our dreams.”


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