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It’s time for change – Midwives welcome Taskforce’s vision

03 February 2023

It’s time for change – Midwives welcome Taskforce’s vision

The Australian College of Midwives commends the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce report reflecting the pivotal reforms needed in healthcare.

Midwives are Australia’s primary maternity care providers and, alongside all healthcare providers, recognise the challenges of the current system and need for change.  

The ACM supports the common-sense recommendations that champion continuity of care, allowing endorsed midwives to deliver midwifery care in primary care settings and importantly work to their full scope of practice. 

ACM CEO Helen White said. “Most families use the maternity care system at some point. Medicare has been around for nearly 40 years. In this time much has changed in maternity care around evidence based best practice. The current system does not currently reflect this. The recommendations in the Report, if implemented, are positive for the midwifery profession and most importantly will improve health outcomes for our future generations.”

ACM President, Professor Joanne Gray said this was a welcome opportunity to make a fundamental shift towards midwifery led continuity models of care as the baseline standard of maternity care in Australia; 

“Allowing midwives to work to their full scope of practice including sexual reproductive health, will go a long way to ensuring women’s health is prioritised in Australia through midwifery continuity of care by a known midwife.” 

“This reform, if fully implemented, will ensure improved health outcomes for women, their families and children by ensuring more women and their families have access to affordable maternity care wherever they live, including rural, regional and remote settings.”

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