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Cairns Public Hospital supports B. Mid Students

10 May 2019

Cairns public hospital has recommitted to supporting Bachelor of Midwifery students in Cairns from Charles Darwin University by providing opportunities for clinical placements.

Students accessing the Bachelor of Midwifery degree have the benefit of being able to specifically train as midwives over 3 years of theoretical and clinical learning. Students need access to clinical experience through hospitals, as well as the ability to follow women through their pregnancy (continuity of care experiences). Students in clinical placement have the opportunity to learn, observe, and practice the skills they need to become safe and compassionate midwives.

Bachelor of Midwifery graduates are competent, safe clinicians who are a vital part of the rural and remote workforce. Access to clinical experiences in rural and remote regions of Australia are crucial to growing a local and skilled midwifery workforce. This is particularly significant given the recent Rural and Remote Taskforce in Queensland which was established to investigate the poor outcomes for women living in rural and remote Australia (

ACM joins CATSINaM and QNMU in congratulating Cairns Public Hospital on their commitment to supporting these local students.


For comment, please contact:

ACM Midwifery Advisor: Hilary Rorison 0409 199 087


Additional information: The Australian College of Midwives

The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) is the peak professional body for midwives in Australia who are registered with, and regulated by, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). ACM’s position is that women be attended during pregnancy, birth and postnatally by a midwife who is registered with the NMBA.

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