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Student Panel: Managing the Student Experience

Student Panel: Managing the Student Experience

Webinar Description

This free panel will be facilitated by Vanessa Scarf, ACM NSW Branch Chair and feature Caitlin Ritter, Brianne Mackinnon, Naomi Pullar and Sarah Morabito who will discuss different strategies to help you get the most from your time as a student!

Time: 14:00 in NSW, VIC & TAS | 13:30 in SA
13:00 in QLD  | 12:30 in NT  | 11:00 in WA


Caitlin Ritter

Caitlin is a second-year midwifery student with Griffith University. She is the primary earner for her family and works in marketing by day, studies by night, and parents two children in-between

Brianne Mackinnon

Bachelor of Midwifery student, 2nd Year, Griffith University

Brianne commenced her direct-entry midwifery studies in 2022 as a part-time student and now studies full-time through Griffith University based at Redlands Hospital. Brianne is passionate about providing holistic evidence-based care to assist women and their families to make informed decisions about their pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum experience. Brianne is the Metro South Health Student Representative for Griffith University.

Naomi Pullar

Naomi (She/Her) is in her 3rd year of the Bachelor of Midwifery on a reduced load pathway with The University of Newcastle. She is based at the Central Coast Clinical School, NSW, studying alongside future Nurses and Doctors and will graduate in 2025. Naomi spent 15 years in the retail operations sector working in business management and team development. After taking time off to start her family she experienced three very different births. In her third and final pregnancy she had an inspiring student midwife providing continuity of care and felt firsthand how quality support can influence a person’s experience. The passion for midwifery was born, and Naomi’s dedication to providing true woman centred care and helping each birthing person find their power became her mission.

Naomi is juggling university life and placement alongside raising her family, working casually as an Assistant in Midwifery, and representing the University as a student ambassador, inspiring the next generation of midwives. Naomi values connection and education as tools for empowerment and is enjoying the journey of building her clinical skills. Naomi’s three beautiful boys keep her busy and her husband is an amazing rock of support to keep her working towards her goal of graduation.

Sarah Morabito

Sarah is a 3rd year Bachelor of Midwifery student with the University of Technology Sydney. She resides in Sydney's North Shore and attends clinical placement at Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital, NSW and will graduate in 2024. Sarah entered the Bachelor of Midwifery course as a recent school leaver, after being very interested in the role of a midwife from a young age and undergoing high school work experience at a local hospital.

Sarah balances university work and commitments, representing the University as a student ambassador and being a student member of the ACM NSW Branch. She enjoys working casually as an Assistant in Midwifery at two local hospitals, including Hornsby Ku-ring-gai, where she can gain further clinical experience, practice woman-centred care and develop her skills. Outside of Midwifery, Sarah enjoys reading, baking and playing the guitar.

Qualify for CPD Hours

1 CPD hour

Thursday, 14 March 2024
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

1.00 CPD Hours